I'm passionate about reinventing the world of learning. A world, in which innovative digital technologies are used in a way without loosing the focus on humans.
My professional journey started at business schools in Cologne, Budapest and Paris, and led me right into the world of multinationals. That is where I gained twelve years of valuable experience in areas like L&D, Talent Management, Employer Branding, Recruiting, Sales & Supply Chain. During the last couple of years, I worked as an expert for innovative learning trends and digital learning.
After many years of intensive learning and networking mainly within but more and more outside of the organization I was looking for a way to make my skills and knowledge available for a broader target group: Becoming a Digital Learning Consultant and starting my own business.
More HR qualifications:
Blended learning certification (Bildungsinnovator)
Learning transfer designer (Institut für Transferwirksamkeit)
Neurotrainer (Tom Freudenthal)
Systemic coaching certification (Coaching Up Institute)
Purpose coaching & train-the-trainer certification (TPN GMBH)
Certification in Hogan Assessments, DISC & OPQ
Trainings in blended learning, learning didactics, blended learning, learner marketing & digital learning