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Tip 52: Build your own learning journey

Autorenbild: Wilma HartenfelsWilma Hartenfels

'The education of a man is never completed until he dies.' Robert E. Lee

All of you know that learning is a continuous journey. What's more, you won't be able to learn a new skill and change your behaviour by attending a single two-day training. Unfortunately, many trainings are still built like this.

But here is the good news: You don't need to wait until all trainers and training organizations start changing the way they design trainings. You can take initiative and build your own learning journey around the training that you are planning to attend. Here are my tips on how to approach this:

  • Use Padlet, a free digital pinboard, to build your own learning journey

  • Structure your Padlet as a timeline

  • Put up the training that you will attend on the pinboard (incl. info on learning targets)

  • Then start working towards the left side of the pinboard. Post your ideas on how you can prepare in an optimal way for the training. Each post goes into a separate column and can have a time indication (e.g. 2 weeks prior to training):

- Can you plan some reflection time on your exact targets for the training?

- Are there elearnings recommended by the trainer that you should take?

- Is there any additional pre-reading that you can do?

- Do you want to reach out to the other participants or check their LinkedIn profiles

- Etc.

  • After that, start working to the right side of the training:

- What will be your first baby step after the training to apply what you have learned?

- Would you like to meet with another participant after the training for mutual support

- Do you want to schedule a teach-back for your team?

- Will you meet with your boss to talk about your your plans for application?

- When will you evaluate the success of your behavioural change?

- Etc.

When is you next virtual or physical training planned and how will you use Padlet to create your own learning journey?

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