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Tip 41: Taking a holistic approach

Autorenbild: Wilma HartenfelsWilma Hartenfels

When thinking about learning, most people focus on aquiring new knowledge and skills they need for their job. Yet, taking a holistic approach to learning in a world which is radically changing means balancing three areas: New skills/knowledge, new methods/tools & new mindsets.

In order to reflect all three dimensions in your learning journey, ask yourself these questions:

  1. New skills/knowledge: How is my job evolving and what do I need to be able to do now AND in the future? For an L&D manager this would be e.g. skills in blended learning, digital learning, learning experience design, data analysis

  2. New methods/tools: How is my organization and industry changing the way they work and which methods make me successful in the future? For L&D managers that would mean learning methods like design thinking and tools like like chatbots.

  3. New mindsets: How are megatrends like digitalisation changing the culture of my workplace and which attitudes in terms of working and leading do I need in order to cope with that? L&D would need to e.g. rethink its role being a learning facilitator to becoming a change enabler.

Now, what about your approach?

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